Sue Parker Hall welcomes you to Empathic Anger Management, a radical new approach to anger management that helps you address the underlying issues including PTSD. home

Empathic Anger Management - The Process
Empathic Anger Management is a respectful therapeutic process which involves a non‐judgemental approach. Rage is understood not as an emotion in itself but as ‘a whole load of different emotions trying to get out at once,’ which results from not being able to process some of life’s experiences. This puts increasing stress on the individual as more and more unprocessed life experiences build up. Often, a person is so full of unprocessed life experience (the idea of a pot, full to the brim is used) that one more thing, and it could be a very trivial thing, is the final straw and the lid flies off.
Empathic Anger Management offers you ten one‐to-one support sessions to
learn how to process your life experience through talking about significant life events (may be from childhood or adulthood) that you may not yet have been able to come to terms with e.g. bereavement, divorce, losses of other kinds, trauma, disappointments, illnesses, accidents or abuse
improve your assertiveness skills so that you are better able to identify and ask directly for what you want
learn how to make better use of the support that is available to you from people in your life or to find a new source of support
The Empathic Anger Management process is sensitive to the trauma and unprocessed feelings which underlie rage and acknowledges how a lack of assertiveness skills can contribute to it.
Empathic Anger Management Process
There is an initial session where we get to know each other a little, I introduce the process to you and ask you to identify any life events that you may not have been able to talk or feel through that are in your pot and which, with your agreement, we contract together to work with. Each following session includes the ‘here‐and‐now’ elements of how the week has been in terms of anger management and the monitoring of the development of assertiveness skills and a ‘there‐ and‐then’ element where we debrief and process one past personal event at a time. Typically, even after the first session a client will say “I have never told anyone about that before” and express some immediate relief about having done so.
Empathic Anger Management Package
Ten x fifty minute weekly sessions @ £65 per session (includes a brief, jointly written report if requested.
You will not completely empty your ‘pot’ during the ten sessions but you will learn how to process your life experience, to ask for what you want in a straight way and to make better use of the support that is available to you. I look forward to hearing from you.